martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Examples 2nd Conditional

34 comentarios:

  1. The issue is very clear, personally I decided several questions in class and I find it easier to understand what they are talking, thanks porfesor you doubt my resolve and make these videos.
    El tema esta muy claro , en lo personal resolví varias dudas en clase y se me hace mas facil entender de que estan hablando ,gracias porfesor por resolver mis dudad y poner estos videos.

  2. The issue is very clear, personally I decided several questions in class and I find it easier to understand what they are talking, thanks porfesor you doubt my resolve and make these videos.
    El tema esta muy claro , en lo personal resolví varias dudas en clase y se me hace mas facil entender de que estan hablando ,gracias porfesor por resolver mis dudad y poner estos videos.

  3. el tema de segundo condicional es muy interesante y es de gran ayuda para poder comprender mejor el tema gracias profe por los videos


  4. I like it because it explains every detail as is made conditional second , I understood more to this than of the big bang teory .
    prof greetings


  5. I like it because it explains every detail as is made conditional second , I understood more to this than of the big bang teory .
    prof greetings

  6. I found most of the previous video interestamte bing bang that besides bringing more examples I will entnedí more than the other video and a little simpler . thanks for the video, Professor

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Thanks to video I have strengthened my knowledge in the second conditional and also know how to use every day 💝😊♡

  9. this very interesting video also helped me to solve my problems when I did not understand you

  10. I found it very important to stress a little more the issue with them as we learn more and I can not make you more complicated in the evaluation. So I think I

  11. master thanks for the videos are very interesting and understandable ejemlos are now able to clarify all the doubts I had, I am very clear about the subject

  12. in this video the songs contain the structure of the second conditional. with if and would. thanks

  13. Well to my lot to help me answer my questions , thanks to this video and I understand more , I resolve my doubts, thank you for putting these videos TEACHER

  14. master thanks for the videos are very interesting and understandable ejemlos are now able to clarify all the doubts I had, I am very clear about the subject

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. other songs helped little to improve our understanding of the structure of the second conditional

  19. the videos are very good that you clarify any doubts that you have

  20. I liked the videos that had not had understood things like

  21. video conditional second theme is helpful as it helps us to answer questions and help you better understand the issue

  22. video conditional second theme is helpful as it helps us to answer questions and help you better understand the issue

  23. In the song I can see and understand an easy way the theme song also gives simple examples that I can understand in English. :)

  24. The video was interesting to me because it speaks to us about the "second conditional" and so learn to use and we can help and so on. Thanks!

  25. Con este video me quedo mas claro y esta muy bien así aclaro las dudas que tenia esta muy bien el vídeo profesor gracias

  26. These songs show us a clear example of what we saw in this part and is helpful because it could resolve the doubts that arose in the classroom, greetings.

  27. Con este vídeo me quedo mas claro y se me hizo muy interesante el video así me quedó claro mas como usar la segunda condicional esta muy bien profesor gracias

  28. the video is important to me , because with the small resolve doubts that arose in class

  29. This video was very interesting because it makes clear the second conditional, I think I served a lot of help.

  30. With this video I realized the structure of the second conditional, it helps me and I reaffirm it is helpful

  31. The video was very useful for me to achieve my doubts solusionar thanks to video you could understand some issues q did not understand before. thank you teacher

  32. The video was very interesting because I clear all my ideas .

  33. the video very interesting and very explicit the truth these past classes have been very interactive, with a lot of learning
    el vídeo muy interesante y muy explícito la verdad estas ultimas clases han sido muy interactivas y con mucho aprendizaje

  34. the video very interesting and very explicit the truth these past classes have been very interactive, with a lot of learning
    el vídeo muy interesante y muy explícito la verdad estas ultimas clases han sido muy interactivas y con mucho aprendizaje
