martes, 28 de abril de 2015

First Conditional

8 comentarios:

  1. Este tema me gusta, & esta muy bien el video ☺

  2. Es muy interesante porque asi sabemos mas sobre el tema de ingles y asi ...gracias... :)

  3. the tools to show us to our best knowledge , I think a great idea to see the videos as we can reinforce classroom learning ...👌

  4. the tools to show us to our best knowledge , I think a great idea to see the videos as we can reinforce classroom learning ...👌

  5. the tools to show us to our best knowledge , I think a great idea to see the videos

  6. is very interesting topic so I could answer all my questions I had thanks for uploading videos.

  7. es muy interesante el tema y así pude aclarar todas mis dudas que tenía gracias por subir los vídeos.
